Old Tech Revival | General Electric company G817 Radio, Part 2.

2023-02-25 1

Surprise Surprise this video also fell victim to copyright trolls but I've decided to publish it anyway rather than wait a month for their claim to expire or re-edit the video when I shouldn't have to.
This time it's come from a company called APRA_CS, ICE_CS claiming I stole part of the BBC Radio 4 Shipping forecast.

Anyway this is the second part of the revival of this General Electric company G817 Radio. Here we finish the cleaning, repair a few parts of the case, replace the antenna and finally give it a nice place on display in my study.

Part 1 edited for copyright trolls can be found here;

Part 1 unedited can be found here;

Arrival and unboxing of the second radio can be found here;